SCRIBE415 Thanks The Sally Han Group!

SCRIBE415 Thanks The Sally Han Group!

My deepest Gratitude to Sally Han, Realtor, The Sally Han Group, East Bay Real Estate - Alain Pinel Realtors East Bay; for her kind words about our recent collaboration on her website and social media marketing project!

"Empowering buyers and sellers to successfully navigate the Bay Area real estate market"

"Erika was an invaluable resource in creating a new website, branding and marketing strategy that reflects my personal brand and my vision for the future. 

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The Why and How of Having a Blog?

The Why and How of Having a Blog?

Are you sharing your point of view, your accolades and awards and providing relevant information on social media that speaks to the interests of your business audience?  Are you creating user engagement? Here's how to optimize your social media marketing by bringing direct results in less time.

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8 Step Content Posting Guide

8 Step Content Posting Guide

We want to have a strong media presence.There isn't enough time in the day to do it all. Our social media posting isn't frequent enough or reflective of our branding. We're not getting conversion and engagement. "What to do?"

Create a Custom Content guide for yourself or your staff to use for inspiration in posting.

Here are 8 easy steps

Create a Grid 4 blocks by 4 blocks on an 8.5 x 11 landscape document. You're going to fill it in as follows:

1. Take a look at the demographic you do business with. Think about their lifestyle and needs. Create 16 Titles which are categories that reflect their specific interests.  

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