The Why and How of Having a Blog?

Are you sharing your point of view, your accolades and awards and providing relevant information on social media that speak to the interests of your business audience?  Are you creating user engagement? Here's how to optimize your social media marketing by bringing direct results in less time.

You may have multiple social media profiles that you manage and maintain. If you're interacting with your followers then you are creating user engagement. The measure of your social media marketing success are in clicks and conversion. Are you gaining followers and receiving inquiries?  

Blogging is about conversion. Originating posts from your blog and pushing them from there to your social media outlets shortens your time managing social media and increases direct contact with your potential customers.  

Establishing a blog means you have a home from which to share your point of view, your achievements and accolades, successes, events, sales, upcoming sales, relevant updates and information, product, services, quotes, images, video and more, that reflect your point of view allowing your social media audience to know you.

Your blog posts can be reproduced for Instagram, who does not allow pushed posts.

If you're a quasi writer, and like to tell your story; then blogging is in your wheel house and you can likely manage it on your own with a few systems in place. It's an easy change to make. Post to your blog first and push to social media.

If you're not a writer and you understand the demographic of your client, then you can direct your content using an outside source to ghost blog for you.

When pushing posts from your blog to social media, the user is driven back to your blog to read your posts, landing on your website, with the opportunity to learn more and connect. Your website is the home for your brand and ultimate calling card.

Posting in this manner contributes to building organic SEO (search engine optimization.) Each blog post, image and video is tagged and categorized bringing your content higher in search engines.

HOW - It's easier then it sounds:

  • Create a blog on your website or independently, with a contact form on your blog page
  • Connect your social media accounts to your website and activate on your blog to push to social media
  • Publish posts to your blog instead of directly to social media
  • Tag each post, photo and video 
  • If others are managing your blog, provide them with photos, quotes, awards, accolades, upcoming events, recent sales, client stories, subjects that interest your clients so they can write content to your brand and understand your voice
  • Use a blogging grid and calendar of subjects relevant to your clientele to keep your content fresh
  • Create a blogging links resource guide to easily cull fresh content
  • Train your team, assistant, outside writer to provide content to your brand
  • Maximize your social media profiles and options (ex. business pages) to take your new blogging platform to the next level.
    • Ex. Build your audience. Upload your contacts to each social media account, boost successful posts, share posts to both business and personal pages, engage with and like other pages/followers in your timelines, search for related business and follow them, acknowledge new friends and followers. Engage. Engage. Engage.

It's a formula that works.  Blogging encourages  organic SEO, lead conversion and direct user contact to show the public, your followers and your potential customers who you are and what you offer.

Erika Burke is the Founder, Marketing & Creative Director, Writer and Ghost Blogger at SCRIBE415.